Thursday, July 11, 2013

Male althetes' biggest opponents are their own balls

"You can only hope to contain them."


Amanda Hess' article  Female athletes' biggest opponents are their own breasts on accurately describes what a handicap boobs can be in virtually all sports. And I have to agree. Both in my life as a swimmer and now as a martial artist, I can attest that there certainly are times when boobs are a pain. They get in the way, don't stay put, get banged and bruised, or try to make appearances when they shouldn't. Despite its patronizing title, I thought this article gave a fair overview of a universal nuisance for female athletes. 

But, while the article was written by a female, is was also written from a male norm perspective. As in, male athletes are the norm and female athletes are the exception, or the deviation from that norm. Female athletes are handicapped to varying degrees because they have breasts of varying sizes. Breasts are portrayed not as normal body parts but as something to be fought and ultimately overcome in a female's quest for athleticism. Breasts are cited as our biggest opponents. The author argues that "a mounting body of evidence suggests that they pose a serious challenge in nearly all corners of competition."

The more I think and stew about it, the less I like this article. Women may be inconvenienced by our boobs, but at least our gonads are tucked away internally where they can safely reside. Men have no such luck - theirs are all out there in the open, where they are vulnerable to all sorts of assaults. It makes me think that this might not really be a female problem. Perhaps it is male athletes whose biggest opponents are  their own balls. 

Let's break down the specifics of the article:

  • Women Men are handicapped because their breasts balls can slip out of clothing, causing embarrassment. Ronda Rousey, whose boob almost slipped out of her bra during her first UFC fight, is cited as an example. However, Dennis Hallman's testicle actually did become exposed during UFC 133. Further, I come from a competitive swimming background, where swimsuits are chosen for speed, not for appearance. Male swimmers, as a whole, are fairly modest about their balls and strongly prefer to keep them covered in public venues. Speed suits do not make modesty a priority and the ensuing overexposure can be a source of embarrassment for male athletes.
  • Women Men are handicapped because their breasts balls get in the way of executing athletic movements.  Breasts might influence how a female athlete swings a golf club, sure. But that doesn't compare to what guys go through on a spin bike. Those seats are brutal and there seems to be no way to rearrange to comfortably adjust. Male athletes' only hope is to gradually numb the area over time. I have a friend who will not ride a bike at all, citing fertility concerns. 
  • Women Men are handicapped because their breasts balls add extra weight to their frames.  Testicles add about a half of a pound to the bodies of male athletes. And every pound of body weight counts in sports like running and gymnastics. 
  • Women Men are handicapped because breasts balls bounce during athletic activities, causing pain and discomfort. "Research has confirmed that size does matter: As breasts balls get bigger, they accelerate quicker, move faster and bounce higher."
I'm surprised that this one was not mentioned in the article:
  • Women Men are handicapped because when breasts balls get hit, it hurts like a motha.
    When I get hit in the boobs, it hurts a decent amount, but it is not terrible. I'd rather get hit hard in the boobs than the stomach, for example. Unless I am being lied to, getting hit in the balls brings pain to a much higher degree. My training partner tells me that he would much rather get hit in the stomach than in the balls. Unfortunately, when you do contact sports, getting hit in the crotch is a fact of life. And if the ref doesn't see it, the fight/match/game goes on.

The author goes on to describe how women are more frequently getting breast reduction surgeries to enhance athleticism. This makes me sad. I'm not discounting the hindrances that larger breasted gals must face, but, in my view, having breasts is not in direct opposition to being an athlete. Until men seek out optional removal of their balls, we need to leave our boobs alone. They are NOT our biggest opponents.


  1. Great article. One female friend of mine stated that the only thing weaker then the male ego is his testicles. That being stated men always grimace to the fact that women live longer, girls are smarter, and have better orgasms, but when it comes to gender weakness of balls, they always try to overcome this weakness by stating that they can pee standing. BIG DEAL.

    I remember a story several years ago when a young girl named Mellisa was forced off a little league baseball team because she was not wearing a cup. The umpire stated that it did not matter if she was a girl (had balls or not) she still had to wear a cup. Wow have times changed. Often now in the little leagues, male managers often want girls to catch, because they do not have to wear a cup,and have less of a chance of groin injury..
    Often the reason boys refuse to wrestle girls, is not for fear of losing. Not that girls are stronger, although some are, not that girls are quicker, but the fact that girls can easily beat a guy because he has balls. Even if she does not go after the testicles, the boy always has to protect them, opening up other parts of the body for an attack.

    Although I only wear a B size bra, my breasts in sports rarely give me trouble. I have been battered in both the boobs and groin, but always recovered in a couple of minutes, never feeling really sick or lying on the ground holding my injury like a guy. Therefore this is a great article, that proves that beasts while the way sometimes in the way are no where as much trouble as balls to a guy in sports.

    1. You are a moron. in baseball, the catcher is one of the most important positions. And no coach is going to want a girl to be his catcher. Just because she's a girl. That's completely ridiculous. You know nothing about baseball.

    2. You're a simpleton with a male inferiority complex issue. In all actuality, getting hit in the vagina hurts just as bad as getting hit in the balls. Your comment about "male managers want girls to catch because they don't have balls" is beyond ludicrous! You need help.

      In MMA, guys that get hit in the groin don't typically go down because of pain...they mostly do it to take a break or in an attempt to get a point deducted from their opponent. Its similar to flopping in soccer. If you were smarter you would know that!

      In addition, women simply can't compete with men in combat sports....if they could, there wouldn't be male divisions and female divisions.

      FYI, striking the balls in a fight is the dumbest thing you can do to a guy unless you want to really piss him off. Most real men won't feel pain during a fight since adrenaline will dull any pain. It is much smarter to go for the eyes and throat. Unfortunately, there are too many dumb martial instructors that don't realize this so they keep telling women to go for the groin....bad idea.

    3. Hmm... so I guess the guys I kicked in the balls in high school collapsed in a heap because they wanted a point deducted??
      When MMA fighters don't go down from a kick it's because they're wearing protection.. but suddenly take away that protection and a kick from a trained competitor will not only result in timeout but more than likely a forfeit, several days of intimacy with an ice pack and maybe even a trip to the hospital.
      You don't need to have a male inferiority complex to be able to see the two massive weakness dangling between a mans legs :)

    4. Shutup you bitch. It hurts but no guy would let you kick him, we know how to protect our balls from mean girls like you.

  2. My wife and I chuckled when we read this blog as well as the comment. Since I am a high school athletic instructor and my wife a nurse, I feel that we are qualified to talk on the subject. No Question that girls have the advantage in contact sports as they do not have balls, but I feel that they are generally at a disadvantage due to their size. However a girl in wrestling and the same weight class as a guy, will generally win as she does not have to defend her balls which he has in a match. Also she does not have to worry about an erection in a cup, which can actually be very painful.

    Tennis is an even sport as I have seen more girls hurt on the net, getting their nipple caught rather then guys getting hit in the balls, from a bouncing tennis ball. Although it is more embarrassing for the guys, as the girls laugh their heads off when a guy gets a ball in the nuts.

    Up until the age of 35, I would say that the female has the advantage, as testicles in sports is a weakness. Pity the poor football player who has to choose between a cup which protects his balls, or the fact that a testicle can pop outside the cup which can cause more pain then a kick itself. Yes testicles can pop out just like a boob, but not with the pain.

    Little league baseball is another subject. I never really thought of putting a girl behind the plate because she does not have to wear a cup. I have found out that girls do get more finger injure injuries in baseball then the boys. But my wife assures me that a hefty girl at the plate is probably better as a catcher since she does not have balls.

    Where does that leave us. Women over the age of 30, after pregnancy and weight gain are more susceptible then male for injury to the boobs. But a fit woman has the natural female advantage of not having testicles. Not only do testicles cause more pain, but testosterone causes males to do stupid things, as everyone knows women longer, are often smarter, so in the end women, girls are superior to men and boys who have testicles and balls.

    1. So true, I seen many baseball games where it was prolonged because the catcher got hit in the balls. You say women are smarter and I agree, who in their right mind who squat behind the plate with his legs and far open as possible, exposing his most vulnerable manhood. Even protected by a hard piece of plastic, its still stupid on his part, cause no cup in the world can defeat the power of a 95 mile per hour fastball. And no pair of BALLS can overpower the pain, no matter how strong and muscular the catcher is.

    2. You are FULL of it---your a woman posing as a man! Nice try. Your entire comment was factually inaccurate on every level. You're a simpleton with a male inferiority complex issue. In addition, getting hit in the vagina hurts just as bad as getting hit in the balls.

      In MMA, guys that get hit in the groin don't typically go down because of pain...they mostly do it to take a break or in an attempt to get a point deducted from their opponent. Its similar to flopping in soccer. If you were smarter you would know that!

      In addition, women simply can't compete with men in combat sports....if they could, there wouldn't be male divisions and female divisions.

      FYI, striking the balls in a fight is the dumbest thing you can do to a guy unless you want to really piss him off. Most real men won't feel pain during a fight since adrenaline will dull any pain. It is much smarter to go for the eyes and throat. Unfortunately, there are too many dumb martial instructors that don't realize this so they keep telling women to go for the groin....bad idea.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Well growing up my sister was 2 years younger then me and we would get into fights from time to time. And trust me a bad kick to the balls can be incapacitating. In fact as far as i remember their were only a handful of times she ever beat me up and all of those times she kicked my balls. One time she faked to punch me in my face and i covered then she quickly nailed me in the balls very hard. I could not get up for at least 10 minutes. and boobs? well they dont hurt near as much as getting kicked in the balls. I think that a lot of guys are ashamed my the idea that a smaller weaker girl can overpower them with a single not so hard kick to the balls. of course this is not always the case but at times it very well can be.

  5. I'm quite fed up with being told how boys are "physically superior" to girls,and we shouldn't be allowed to compete against them in sports where there is physical contact.
    I wrestled at school between the ages of 13 and 16, against girls(officially) and boys(unofficially). I was just as successful against boys as I was against girls, because at that age girls have stepped ahead of boys in their development and are generally bigger and a bit stronger.I never understood why mixed matches were not allowed as the strength difference was not a factor .I always thought that boys were actually at a disadvantage because they were self-concious about the erections they would usually get when wrestling with a girl. It never bothered the girls that this happened; we regarded it as a compliment. The boys would invariably try to hide it though, which put them at a disadvantage.
    I'm now 17, and have taken up boxing. Once again, i'm very frustrated that I cannot compete against men, as there are relatively few girls to fight. Although the size difference is not a factor(in boxing you fight against opponents of the same weight), the same arguement is used to discourage mixed bouts; testosterone gives men a natural advantage in strength and stamina. In this case I have to agree that this is true, but it gave me an idea. In boxing there is a strict rule against hitting "below the belt". This rule is meaningless for girls; it is obviously to prevent blows to mens' testicles. But it is these very organs that give the men their physical advantage over us. Wouldn't it make sense to allow mixed fights, but include the groin in the target area? Surely this would be a fair and simple way to equalize the sexes, not only in boxing, but in other contact sports. I would certainly be willing to participate in such a match, just to see if this is a realistic solution. What do others think?

    1. I would one day love to see mixed fights allowing a man to face a woman and having the groin of both sexes an open target. If Men and Boys think their so superior and strong, let them fight without a cup, then we will know who is the stronger sex.

    2. I would consider such a bout as being "fair" only if we consider a fact of nature: guys on the average are bigger. Pair up the man and woman based on the percentile that they are on a standard chart for height and weight. I've looked at this, and a fit man at 6' tall and 185 pounds would match up with a fit woman at 5'-8" and 140 pounds. That would seem like a fair match-up, if his balls aren't off limits.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. One punch to the balls and it's over.

    1. Yep, the balls don't stand a chance.

  7. Boys and Men think they are tough, but in todays world, girls and women are finding out that isn't true. Males have brainwashed females from the beginning saying they have "Balls of Steel" and that their balls make them so strong and tough....However, due to technology, youtube and movies, girls are learning about a mans balls and how much of a disadvantage they are for a man.

    Back in college I see a girl knee a college jock in the parking lot, he was a tall muscular basketball player, and she just kneed him between his blue jeaned legs. All I remember is him dropping and grunting, his knees came up to his chest and I could see the bottom of his expensive Jordan shoes. I just wished she kneed him while he was in his basketball shorts, cause those type of shorts offer zero nut protection.

    Overall, if balls are allowed for attack in sports or contact sports, then it's going to be the women ruling all sports. The Balls are just so weak, and overall, all men are Weak.

  8. It is a shame that several people turned a very good article into male testicle bashing. The real intent of these articles was to make fun out of our weaknesses, bouncing boobs of women, and the delicate location of a man's balls. In reality, but the strength of a man is his larger size, and if wrestling matches are based on a similar size the girl would almost always win. Why, because female muscles are just as strong or stronger then a man of same size. The man will still have more upper body weight, but her legs are just as strong or stronger. Young girls are quicker, and have more stamina, and once again aren't bothered by erections. Just the thought of her attacking his delicate balls, gives her the edge, even if she doesn't come close to a strike. That is why my bet is on the gal.

    As far as catching, girls have an obvious advantage, and can be just as smart or smarter then a guy. And in Little League, girls are almost the same size as guys.

    In swimming, there is no contest. The streamlined body of a woman is a sure win over the hairy flat chested man. Her strength and stamina once again lets her win in long distance races.

    So in reality the boobs have it, win over balls any day, even without the gals hitting or hurting guys in their delicate balls. I guess girls you win.

  9. I do remember a mixed gender full contact karate match aired on ABC's wide World of Sports in the 70's.The male was the aggressor until the lady kicked his balls in the first round.The ref never called her on it so I was not sure what she had done until my wife gleefully confirmed she had indeed kicked his nuts.His legs buckled but he remained standing although bent over and now trying to protect his groin.He came out slowly for round two and after raising his hands was kicked again,dropping him to the canvas.Still no foul.I felt embarrassed but my wife was enjoying it now.He got up but was finished and refused to come out for round three.

    1. did this really happen? id be interested to see this match, do you have a link?

    2. I think I saw this. Did the guy have a mustache, was she blonde, and was he about a foot taller?

    3. Christine,it was a long time ago but I think you are correct.He was taller,well at the start of the fight anyway.

  10. When I was in 5th grade, I was standing in my own front yard, minding my own business, and two 6th grade girls came down the street, both about my own size. They started bullying me. They'd squish my cheeks together and make fun of me, and a few playful face slaps. I had no sisters and girls were alien to me and I didn't know how to react. Somehow, a week or so later, I made the mistake of mentioning what happened to my Aunt Laura, my mom's youngest sister, who was about 19 or 20 at the time. My Aunt Laura gave me some advice. I don't know how she knew, but she asked me if the girls had big boobs. I told her that, yes, the girl who was the main instigator had big boobs for elementary school. Aunt Laura said that if it ever happened again, that I needed to "sock her in the boob, because it really hurts girls there." In retrospect, my Aunt Laura didn't know what the hell she was talking about. All the women on my mom's side of the family are completely flat-chested and very pissed off it. Aunt Laura was just wishful thinking, and I think she was vicariously taking out some jealous revenge on a girl with boobs by using me. But it was advice.
    Those two girls caught me out in the open again the following month. They backed me up against our side wall like before. Only this time, I tried what Aunt Laura said. I socked the one girl right in her big boob. It was like socking a water balloon, or more like a pillowy water balloon, I remember. She let out a squeaky hiccup sound and stopped in her tracks and grabbed her boob, quite surprised. Then she turned to the girl next to her, still with this shocked look on her face, and the girl next to her was covering her mouth in wide-eyed disbelief as well. When the big-boobed girl turned, she left her other boob open and pointing out, so I socked that one too, as hard as I could. She let out another mousey squeak and kind of sucked in her breath. She breathed heavy a couple times but she never fell down, never even bent over.
    Then she bent down and socked downwards, I think, on my balls.
    And I was down on the ground crying and they were laughing at me, I couldn't get up for a long time. It was at first like I had blacked out for a second, till I hit the ground and then I was wide awake to all the horrible pain in my stomach all over. When I finally did get up the girls were long gone, but I heard them up there laughing for a long time.
    Never listen to flat-chested aunts. They don't know what the hell they're talking about.
    So yeah, if it's boobs vs. balls you are talking about, I can tell you from first-hand experience, boobs are like tanks compared to balls. I've been kicked down there once by a girl since then. And that girl was TINY, but she nailed me. I can't believe how sickeningly debilitating the pain is. I can't do anything. It's embarrassing. Feels weird writing this down. I'll never talk about it. Not to anyone.

    1. Your aunt gave you some BAD advice.

    2. haha! I'm starting to think this guys aunt hated him and just thought he deserved a fist to the danglers :)

  11. when I in 4th grade I agreed to fight a girl at her house. she had her older sister be the ref. we were 10 and she was bigger than me because she had hit puberty and I hadn't yet. she was about 4" taller than me and she was black and i'm white. we traded punches 5 or 6 times and then she got me with a punch in the nose. I stepped back and covered my nose and my vision got blurry and my eyes teared up. that's when she kicked me in my balls. I had left them wide open. this is the point at which her mom had pulled up and saw the whole thing. yes I was down and crying. her mom was very upset her daughters especially the older one who was 17. her mom helped me into the kitchen and gave me an ice pack. after about an hour she took me home and apologized to my mom that her daughter had beaten me up. to that I protested that I hadn't lost just her daughter had gotten a lucky hit and that I could have won if her mom hadn't stopped the fight
    both her mom and my mom laughed and said no you had lost.
    that just pissed me off and the next day I fought the girl again and again she got me in the balls with a kick. after 30 minutes I got up and said I was ready to fight her again. this time I tried to tackle her to the ground but she was bigger than me and she ended up pinning me and then she asked me if I gave up. and this was the time her mom had come home again. when I refused to give in she just kneed me in the balls which caused me to bring my knees up and I nailed her in her groin. she thought I had kneed her on purpose so she repined me and kneed me again while I was still crying. this time her mom didn't do anything till I recovered oh my own. she then took me home and advise me not to play with her daughter anymore because she didn't think my testicles could take much more. The next day I was playing with her and several other of her girl friends and no I didn't fight her I just hung around with her because she was more fun than most of the male friends I had and she her mom were shocked that I wasn't made at her. when her mom asked me why I was here again I told her I rather have her as a friend than as an enemy. yes she was the first girl I kissed and yes her mom saw that also. she hit both of us and said we were way to young to be kissing. so that said I have to agree that in a fight between a male and female where hits to the testicles were allowed I think the girl would win 99.9999% of the time. there is always a chance that the hit wont hurt for what ever reason and the male will be so angry that he wins the fight. but the reality is if a boy fights a girl he's already lost from the start of the fight because if he wins all he's done is beat up a girl and if he looses then he's lost to a girl so no real way to win for a boy.

  12. If groin shots and grabs were allowed, women would completely dominate boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, and ESPECIALLY kickboxing and muy thai. The latter two are funny to watch: You watch the females box, and the fight is non-stop, start to finish; then you watch the guys fight, and every 3rd round or so, the fight has to be put on pause while one of the guys is grimacing and needing time to recover from a groin shot of some kind that almost completely debilitated him in spite of his protective cup. The groin is at the "ground zero" position of sports like kickboxing and muy thai. It is so contrived and unnatural, especially in those two sports, for the fighters to have to be careful to steer clear of that central strike zone--and every 3 or 4 rounds, mistakes happen, and they can't be careful enough, and some guy's down again, gasping and frowning and cupping, and the ref's giving him extra time.
    But gals never need the extra time. Gals keep right on going. A lowblow to them means nothing. I think, if groin shots were allowed, it would also be common for gals to beat larger guys of a heavier weight class. If ballshots are allowed, this becomes very possible indeed. The only weight level where guys might still be able to hang onto some level of achievement would be heavyweight, because very few women get that heavy, of course. But still, a heavyweight man had better carefully guard his crotch if he ever had to fight even a light-heavyweight or middleweight gal. If a gal was built stout enough to weather a few heavy blows from the guy and and hang in there, all she'd have to do is tag him once in the nuts, and then as we all know, it's game over, guy down, gal getting her hand raised by the ref.
    This is a very realistic discussion. This is not fantasy. If you open up these sports to ball blows, guys' days of being on top in these sports come crashing down fast, just like the guys themselves.
    I mean--even in jiu jitsu, can you imagine if nuts are not off-limits? A girl's guard is still terrible to get out of (especially since female's have better, stronger, more flexible hips for this position), and she can choke out a guy on top of her at leisure, as we see young female studettes like Amanda Leve doing right and left to boys. But a guy could no longer put a gal in a guard position whatsoever, because all she has to do is reach down and pinch a ball two fingers, and then it's game over, guy still down, gal upright and beaming and getting her hand raised by the ref.
    What an excellent overlooked reality this post brings to light.

    1. I agree. If ball-shots are allowed in mixed martial arts of any sort, then it will be essential that the man be of a higher weight class - maybe 185 lbs vs 140 lbs. In that way the man has the strength to end it with one blow, just as the woman does. However it's pretty obvious that, regardless who wins, the fights are going to be a lot shorter.
      Even with the size being different, I can't imagine men fighting women without wearing a cup. No fight would be worth literally losing your manhood for.
      So, is that why men are larger, on average, than women? Evolution evening things out?
      I've had many PLAYFUL wrestling matches with women. I've won 50% of them. Even when the girl is a foot shorter, and a 100 lbs lighter, and I'm protecting myself, if they get an opening it's all over.

    2. wouldn't it be unfair to put bigger males against smaller females in karate matches? I mean the idea I thought was the testicles are fair to hit in mixed matches then they should be normal matches.

      also what about age differences?

    3. Right, it would seem, on the surface, to be unfair. But if the idea is to create evenly-matched contestants, then something has to be done to off-set the balls. In my experience wrestling with girls/women, my being taller/heavier/stronger gives me a little something extra to be able to somewhat protect my boys and match their strength. So we are even. In over 100 falls I've won about half. If I was wrestling women my own size, then I probably would've lost them all. If an even match-up is the goal, then the guy has to be bigger. And an "average" guy is bigger than an "average" girl, so maybe nature has been hinting at this all along.

      In my mind, if balls are a fair target, then the girl has a ability to make a devastating blow; just as a larger guy has the ability to make a devastating blow on the smaller girl. All even.

      They also don't match up black belts with white belts.

      A guy would have to be crazy to enter a martial arts contest with an equally-sized, equally-skilled woman. He may as well have them surgically removed. At least you get Novocain.

      Regarding age, I did a lot of this sort of thing when I was around 50, and I've always wrestled girls 18 to maybe 25, and it didn't seem like age was a factor. Men don't lose much strength, at least to that age. It's endurance that falls off. I suppose I would've won more falls if I was younger and a little faster, but I don't know that for sure because I've always tried to be careful, move slowly, so that I don't accidentally hurt her.

    4. hmmmmm, interesting..........balls are definitely an equaliser

  13. This is a ridiculous post. Guys will always be tougher than girls no matter the size. Guys are just tougher all over.
    Trust me, i've done wrestling on a team level. I did have the only girl on our team beat me, but if i ever could of wrestled her again i would win. She cheated and went for my balls just like your saying and nobody caught her, but i wasnt ready for it and if i was ready i could defend it. Also she didnt just squeeze like regular. If it was regular i also could of got away and finished pinning her like i was almost doing. But she accidentally only grabbed one of my balls, not both, and it got accidentally trapped when she squeezed so i tapped. But it was a freak thing, and also, if it had been a real fight i could of got out no matter what.
    She did the same thing to the biggest guy on our team and he said the same thing, and he went to the CIF championships just like her. She won but only because she cheated. Their were two times when a testical got trapped in like a OK sign of her fingers, but slipping out would normally happen for both of them, then me and my friend would of both beat her easily.

    1. you prove the point that you lost because of your testicles, for this is about if it was fair to hit the testicles for women. that's all.

  14. But girls don't have testicals so that's not fair. Rules are rules. Thats why their there. Just cause if a girl rakes me down there while she pretends shes doing something else and it takes my strength away so she wins, the refs gotta catch that. Guys are stronger. So what if you gotta have rules to protect their strength. Everywhere theres rules in sociaty. Girls will always be weaker unless you make it easier for them by cheating,

    1. yes you are right and I even agree with you. but the question here is what if it was fair for a female to hit a males testicles. then the male will be at a disadvantage.

    2. no, but they also dont have the extra size strenght and mass provided by hormones testicles produce so it's perfectly fair

    3. You guys were right, she is doing it on purpose. She was at a party at my friend's last weekend. I challanged her to a friendly mach on the living room carpet. I was readdy in case she went there. Sure enough, you guys were right, I blocked her hand sucessfuly sevral times from trying to grab me by my balls. I had finaly got position on her and could of choked her out if I wanted, thats when she reached and got past and got me, and she did it again, made the okay sign around only my right ball this time, last it was my left. Soon as shes got the thumb and whichever finger it is, she closes and it kills. Still i was ready. I told myself before if it happins, just keep going. Like if it was a street fight, i would just give her that ball and count it as a write off, but i would still finish choking her for good. But this was just a party and it waas friendly so I let her think she really had me like it was real. I yelled for her I GIVE UP then she made me also yell please a bunch of times and say mercy, then she made me yell it. I figure shes got spirity and shes fiesty so i might as well reward that and make her feel good so i did those things and she finally let go. then she got up tho and laffed at me and thats not cool i wanted to get up and go at it some more and realy teach her a lessen but for some reason i got sick all of the sudden like right behind my six-pecs i had to throw up out of nowere and i all of the sudden couldnt get up til it whent away. my mom said theres flu bugs going around and i guess i got it right just then. that was my bad luck timing. I wonder if i see her next time if i do, id like to challange her to a more seriois mach like a real street fight sinario, im more better at that. at least she is a good sport for taking my challange it was just a friends party not a sports event so i gotta give her props even if that dont count.

    4. I found out, she's coming to my friends house for his NFL kickoff party tomorrow. I am gunna take it to the street with her if i can. this is to show that men are better still. lots of street out front to square off and get real yo

    5. Seriously, save yourself the embarrassment and don't fight her.. she knows where you're vulnerable, you're just going to end up in pain and humiliation if she gets you where it hurts. Not to mention she may just 'kickoff' your manhood if you're not careful

    6. She cheated she ckicked me in the balls
      she knew i ment wresling when i sayed street rules, i was settin her up in my wresling stanse like always but she dind't wresle me. she fricking kicked me . she new it was comin i made a mistake by talking about it. she wore super metal shoes or else put somehthing in them. oh god it hurt. god it hurt still. she cheats. my mistake was, i told my friends i was gunna do this, she new it waas coming and she wore terible metal shoes i asked after i could get up what kind of shoes. she said mary jane shoes so that rite their is a drug referense so you no this girl dosent stick to no law or rules, thats how come she also kicked me when i ment wressle. oh god it never is sup-pose to hurt this bad. i been hit their before down their, just not on my balls but elsewere down their, but still no way it would hurt that much, she did sometthing. oh god i been iceing it with a blue ice pack from my mom. i told her it was the bike bar from me jumping my bike. oh god it swelld up and wont go down. i just want to lay here she is such a cheater i am so much stronger then her but she wont let me she allways has to cheat first. This is not right, someone should stop her from violation of rules every soceity have to stick to rules or its anarky my balls hurt still i might have to go to a doctor thank to her voilation of me and obvius rules she ignores. its not fare. i will be hear all night long like this now. i hope i am ok. i dont even no that for sure til it goes down i cant see nothing.

    7. Hahaha! what did I say?? God guys are dumb.. they think they're invincible even when they know a little tap can turn them into whimpering babys. For god's sake, if you want to have children in the future, don't fight her again! I hate to break it to you, but if she can beat you with just 1 kick then no, you are not stronger than her :)

      When I accidentally knee my bf in the balls during my sleep, he dunks them in a bucket of luke warm, salty water cause he says that helps with the swelling, maybe try that?

    8. So this is where you've been posting about me. Hi, Luis. It's me. Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be blabbing to people who also know me. You know what, I could also do a search on google. What are you, a stalker or what? Leave me alone or next time I swear I'm gonna rip them off for you. And it won't just be one next time. It will be one at a time, so there. But first I'll kick you again like Sunday. You like that? How did you like that? I think i can tell from what you wrote, so I guess nevermind. But what's with special shoes?? I didn't have special shoes, stupid hater, they were my normal ones. What kind of excuse is that, I kicked you and you lost, same as before. Oh yea, what's with the OK sign thing? Why you say it's a OK sign? What's up with that? I'll do a OK sign on both of them if you don't quit fronting and mugging and doing all you been doing to me. Better stop now, Luis. I mean it. I won't let go till you pass out next time, that what you want? That what you after, you loser? Back off. Go take care of your balls or I will. So help me, you know it. Yeah, you do know it, don't you. Your a punk. That's the last warning. The next warning goes right between your legs only worse next time.
      yea, that Alexa

    9. You cheated. We were gunna wressle. you wated til i got in my wresling stanse and then you ckicked me. Thats not cool. If you was gunna fight me that kinda street fight then say so beforhand, not after the cheap kicking stuff like you did to me. i had to go to the hospital for to get checked on to see if their was damage more then just one nite. I wanted to wressle. you new i ment wressle. i sayed street rules but you new i ment wressle only. so how come you kicked. you did it to cheet to gain a upper hand or should i say foot but thats cheeting. you now i am stronger you wach i can proove it to you next time
      next time i come ready to fite any kind of street rules
      that how you like it? okay, bring it
      i respect you as a fighter but not as a person
      and definitly not no lady
      till you proof other wise.
      but i gunna get ready and next time theres no loosing to you no more thats not a option cuz i have my own way know of doing thing you would normaly do
      rackim i say enuggff allready

  15. Dude, you're an idiot. Sounds to me like that gal knew exactly what she was doing. Grabbing one ball and isolating it is a technique actually taught in BASIC self defense courses. It's called "divide and conquer" technique. You better thank your lucky stars you never wrestled her again, or for more serious stakes, because contrary to your opinion, there's no getting out of that hold and i am sure it was no accident she put you in it, especially if you say she got another guy the same way. You wrestle that girl again, you're going down the same way, only maybe she's in a bad mood and you don't get off so lucky next time. She doesn't have to let go, you know. And no, you're not escaping it. Only in your dreams. You sound like a fool or like you have an inferiority complex or whatever. Well, you should. Pound for pound, if groin shots are allowed, women would be stronger. You are only proving the point, fool. Dude, you LOST. You can dream and blow smoke all you want, but if what you say is true, you just proved the original claim of this blogpost better than anybody!

    1. I am a 150 lb male i have been studying jiu jitsu for six years. I roll with guys and occasionally with females. If the female is anywhere near my size, i always win, but it is always competitive. But make a rule that says these females can grab my junk while we roll, and i never beat a trained female again who's over 130 lb, and i wouldn't feel totally confident unless she was under about 120.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I don't know if this counts but one time my girlfriend and i joined a summer fitness bootcamp together. She made me join up with her because i always exercise a lot and she didn't so she didn't have the guts to do it alone. There were three other guys and me, but there were about a dozen chicks, counting my girlfriend, plus the main instructor was a female. It was a month long in the mornings, five days a week, and surprisingly tough. My girlfriend almost fainted a couple times on me.
    But then came the grand finale timed obstacle course and it's a big inside joke that little the hell did i know the female instructor has set up every year on the guys. The last part of the obstacle course is a log laying over this wide ditch you have to run across. If you fall in the ditch you had to start over, but the log's wet so it's easy to slip. The first girl blazed across it somehow, but the second one slipped and hit her crotch and we all laughed but she kept right on going, scooting along pretty fast. Then the first guy went and he slipped on the log crotch first just like the girl right before, only his balls got devastated and he fell in the ditch in a fetal position. The instructor had us keep right on going. But get this, every single girl including my wallflower girlfriend went barrelling right over the log, some made it running, some fell and took the crotch shot but kept right on shimmying. But me and the other remaining two guys all got the worst times because we had to slow down and take the log VERY carefully. We all shimmied across the whole way, but we couldn't do it fast like the girls. It was bumpy and knotty so we had to go gingerly.
    The instructor evidently gets a big kick out of ridiculing the guys like this. That was my impression. Guys should be warned who sign up.
    Anyway, i don't know if it's relatable to this post, but there's one time that having balls got in the way, all right.

  18. This topic reminds me of a medieval drawing I came across a while ago. I was flipping through a book written by a medieval fight master and there were a series of drawings depicting a 15th century (?) duel between a man and a woman.

    Both combatants were clad in sleek body suits; only their faces, hands and feet were uncovered. The man stood in a pit up to his waist, armed with a wooden mace. The woman stood outside the pit; she was armed with a long length of cloth into which had been sewn a heavy rock or weight. The idea was that by putting the man inside a pit, and allowing the woman to move about freely, their gender differences would be evened out, allowing for a fair fight.

    The rules for the duel were fascinating.

    The man was precluded from leaving the pit; if he did so, his life was forfeit. The woman could dance around outside the pit, swinging at her rival with her flail, hoping to brain him with the heavy weight sewn into the end, or maybe strangle him with the cloth. The man hoped to lure her close enough so that he could land a blow with his heavy wooden mace.
    If the man pulled the woman into the pit, he won. And if the woman pulled the man out of the pit, she won. No mercy was shown to the loser; he — or she — was led away for immediate execution.

    The book contained several drawings of an actual duel between a man and a woman. One of the drawings was stunning — and, given the subject of this thread, very prescient. The woman kneels behind the man. She locks one arm around his throat in a chokehold. With her other arm she reaches down and seizes his genitals. She's leaning backwards, clearly pulling the man up out of the pit — and to his doom.

    No doubt the extra leverage obtained by her grip on his manhood made all the difference.

    The drawing does not show the executioner, but you can imagine him standing off to one side.

    Unfortunately there's no way to post a copy of the drawing; if anyone wants a copy (I found it, and some of the others from the book, online) email me at baltar03 at and I'll send it to you.

    1. the web address for the book:

  19. My husband's balls take center stage. We operate a MA studio, both black belt (karate), only he has a few more years experience than me. Years ago, he had spent the better part of three weeks in his mancave disassembling cotton balls, tearing them up into tinier bits, and then painstakingly gluing them into the inside of his plastic cup so it would have a liner of thin cottony cushion in there because he said it still hurt too much if he got kicked there. I thought that was crazy how much he was overreacting, being dropped to his knees even with a cup, but hey, I'm a girl, i ain't got balls (thank God), so what do i know.
    Nowadays he wears one of those newfangled Nutty Buddy cups and it's the love of his life. He seriously puts it on and struts around the house like he's all that and it's the Mr. Macho thing all over again. I keep thinking how much more tough and macho he would be if he didn't have such a mindbogglingly vulnerable spot that he has to lavish so much attention on protecting. And i think, What good does that do unless you're going to wear it at all times? Which of course he doesn't. He doesn't wear it out on the street where something might happen, and at home he doesn't wear it and he's seriously afraid of me balltapping him, which--ahem--I've been known to do, depending on my mood. He's also got old man balls at 39. So they are actually incredibly easy to grab and incapacitate him when we are playing around.
    This blog is interesting because my husband only weighs 20 more pounds than i do, but it's all muscle, and i used to think, There's no way i could ever do anything to this guy. But nowadays, ever since the cotton ball incident and now the big whoop about his magnificent NuttyBuddy, i gotta think i could seriously maybe beat him in a serious match if i am allowed to go for his balls. Even with his glorious nuttybuddy, i noticed it has this winglike thing that sticks goes between his legs. He said that is to "ground it" which he explained meant to keep it from shifting around so a testicle doesn't pop out, which was apparently the greatest fear about the old-style cups (i wanted to ask, Was that with or without the cottony homemade ballbed? but i refrained)
    When i've tapped him down there, his eyes roll up to the back of his head and i've buckled his knees to the ground. And that's just from a little innocent llove tap, we're not talking about some kind of MA fingerwhip or anything, and so i would hate to think what my foot would do to him, that would be so mean!!!
    I am so glad I'm not a guy, seriously.

    1. Hi hi, I've got a question. When you are teaching "groin hitting" techniques, how do the men and women respond? Is it interest, or shyness?

  20. "I gotta think I could seriously maybe beat him in a serious match if I am allowed to go for his balls"

    Looks like more and more women have come to the same conclusion.His balls versus your foot removes the maybe.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. This is interesting. It corroborates what I am seeing in the studio where i go for two years now. A girl who is intent on going pro (kickboxing, i forgot to mention), every so often she chooses off on a guy to fight her and beat her without his cup on. Like, she PROVOKES these guys. Not all the time, but I've seen it happen four times in two years, and it's the same girl, and so i guess the memory span of these guys is only about six months long because the same thing happens every time. She kicks every one of them in the balls and, boom, over just like that. Never the same guy twice but still, you'd think they'd remember what happened to the last guy. I've seen guys knock her right in the face and knock her down, but she always gets up. But once she gets a foot in, the guys they don't get up. I don't know what it does to you guys, i know it goes all up into your stomach or whatever, but whatever it is, she's got you down. Actually, she seems to have a lot of guys down. Enough to make me want to try it. So far i have been sticking to the rules and no Fight Club stuff on the side. But hey, if she could do it, maybe i could. Great post. I've seen it myself. Guys, you're not as tough as you think.

  23. Interesting post! In my opinion, guys in general don't like to acknowledge this glaring anatomical weakness which nature has dealt them. Case in point: Where i train, there is an old guy who apparently has spent like a bajillion years getting kicked in the balls so that he can build up a tolerance to it. And so he puts on these demos for other guys who are younger, and he stands there and has another guy kick him in front of the class as hard as possible, and yes, the guy just stands there huffing and puffing like crazy and he can stand up even after getting kicked real hard.
    The younger guys get real excited, like it gives them something to shoot for: after years of training, they think they can overcome their weakness one day.
    But there's a problem. Nobody's talking about it. I saw the man get kicked in hs balls while sparring, and he went down and stayed down for a long time just like any other guy. So it seems a ballkick penetrates to the guy's core if he's not ready for it, despite all his years of training.
    I laughed my ass off when i saw that.
    Sorry guys. No getting around it. Balls are your huge liability making an equal playing field for us girls.

  24. This is the stupidist blog i have ever read. Everybody knows it hurts a female just as bad to be hit in the groin as males. I even tried to prove it one time, but my sister's friend was too scared so she tricked me. She said i could have an advantage of wearing boots in a roshambo contest she started when she wouldn't shut up to me, and she would only be barefoot. But that's before i figured out that barefoot means it travels faster, like at a higher velocity or whatever. So yeah, i fell down and had to stop after she only just bent over like for a few seconds, and so props to her for tricking me, but that's not the point. The point is, why did she feel the need to trick me? She made believe like she was cutting me a break, letting me have boots, like because that's how confident she was. And i went for it and she only had to like bend over for a few seconds and then she was ready to do me back, because boots are slower. When she kicked me, her bare foot traveled faster with the less weight. She knew that already, i am sure. I had to figure it out. At first it drove me crazy why such a big difference of reaction i had from her almost no reaction. Then later on it dawned on me. She tricked me with like using basic physics of velocity. Plain and simple. But my point is, if females weren't just as vulnerable, there'd be no need to trick me. I haven't seen that girl in years but i swear if i ever did, I'd tell her to bring it again, only this time we both have boots or we both have bare, but either way, this time let it be a level playing field and then we'll see who's still standing, biotch. Damn straight.

    1. lmao! you've got to be kidding me.. wearing the boot IS an advantage because of all the extra solid mass it adds to your kick. The only way she tricked you is she somehow made you believe that your fragile little balls could possibly withstand the same amount of force as her groin. Unlike you, we were smart enough to keep our sensitive organs safely tucked up inside us, not dangling between our legs where one little girls barefoot kick can drop us to the floor, struggling to breathe and holding back tears.

      If you ever see her again, let her kick you wearing a boot... I guarantee they'll have to preform brain surgery to get you your testicles back.

  25. for those who think that the groin is only a weak point for men and that women would win over men in fights if attacks on the groin were allowed:

    also, if we take a male and a female fighter who are in the same weight class, the male IS much stronger and faster (among other things). yes, at the early teens, at the very beginning of puberty some girls might have parity with the boystheir age, but that goes away very fast.
    don't think that just because you managed to hit some unassuming young boy in the nuts when you were a child or maybe some other guy in an accident that you would be able to pull it off in a "no holds barred" type of fight. you would have to get that shot against a stronger and faster, more sturdier opponent who is expecting it and who can apply the same tactic against you. also, for men, during an actual fight, a lot of the pain just simply doesn't register in their brains, not until well after the fight is over. i had a guy fall in to my groin knee first with his full body weight during a fight and it was almost 10 minutes after the fight ended until i started to feel the pain. if you watch mma, you can see that a lot of the time it's the ref who has to initiate the stop of the fight after a strike to the balls, because the fighter receiving it just doesn't notice it.

    i don't have a problem with the actual post, it made me laugh a lot, but the comments are just retarded.

  26. Is the dude who thinks bare feet are more powerful than boots full-on retarded, or just borderline retarded?
    Keep on challenging her and losing, guy.
    The world is better off once you're sterile.

  27. As a former tomboy who got in my share of fights in elementary and middle school, i can tell you that i always found it so much easier to fight boys. Everybody is pretty much the same size back then, but with boys, one kick and it's over, i win. Every single time. Or if they tried to wrestle me, i would knee them down there or grab them and pinch down there. I'd get up, they wouldn't. The only thing you had to get over was how bad they cried. At that age, girls know what's going on more than boys or something, and it's like they don't know what's going on with their own bodies and they get scared. But once you know they're not really dying, they're just freaking out cuz they don't know what's happening, you get okay with just leaving them there and going off to play with other kids.
    But i used to hate it when i'd have to fight other girls. With girls i knew there was going to be scratching and hair pulling and there was no one-shot weak spot on their body where i could end it fast. When fighting another girl, i knew going in that i was in it for the long haul until some teacher or adult broke it up. With boys, i would get in trouble later on for hurting them in a hurry. It was just incredibly easy, what can i say.
    By the time i hit high school i started liking boys instead of fighting them, which was probably good for them. They were bigger than me by then. But judging from what i did to my boyfriend who cheated on me in 11th grade and how fast he went down and how long he stayed there, i think i could have kept up my undefeated streak over boys for a few more years if i was cruel enough.

  28. back in the early 70's we had a game we played on the over head swing bars we called war. you would start at each end and swing towards each other and bang into each other to knock the other guy off. when you ended up face to face you would than hit each other hands to break their grip. by this time you lost your grip also. well 1 time I played this game with a girl. as we got close she kicked me in the balls. I was 10 and she was 13 or 14. I was down crying and lost the game. she said it was so easy to win that way because my balls were totally unprotected and she said she knew i was looking at her tits which I was. I never even thought about how exposed to attack the balls were in the game. hence I never played the game against a girl again and rarely with another boy. I saw many boys loose to girls that way over the summer so the game really came to an end. don't know if others played this game in other parts of the country. so this supports the title of this thread.

  29. Let's just say, in a "relaxed-rules," mixed-gender jiu jitsu match, if the man yanks away the woman's bra or protective chest plate, IF she has anything upstairs then it falls out and the woman gets her breasts pinched or mauled, probably to his pleasure and possibly even to hers.
    But if the female even lifts up the male's jock or protective cup an inch or more, much less yanks it away, then it's a given that the testicles fall out and the man gets a testicle or two pinched or mauled, probably to her amusement, and with utmost certainty to his panic-stricken alarm and subsequent defeated mortification.
    That, in a "nut"shell is the difference.
    Women > Men.

    1. haha! nice pun ;)
      I've heard too many horror stories of guys getting hit in the balls after they've 'slipped out' of their jock. Apparently getting a solid hit there once that has happened means the jock has the opposite effect it's meant to. Instead of protecting the jewels it now just adds to the testicle crushing effect of the hit, making an already stomach churning, tear jerking experience (well, for men anyway :P ) ten times worse.

      Being I don't have the genitalia required to experience this, are there any guys who can verify it? If it's true, it would seem that not even protective gear would be able to save a male competitor from a female who knew about that..

  30. This post is so stuipid. Guys are to big ya cant hurt em, i mean yea when i was in elamentery school i could totaly beat up boyz by doing it. Go for there ballz or whatever. But now their to big and strong. I mean yea so what if i could train to do it right and if he was my same size and all then hell yea i could totaly win, but
    Hey wait. You no what? i see what you guyz
    r sayin. I could totaly do it if i could train as much is him and if he was my size.
    Dayum :--0

  31. Here's what i know about boobs: even a girl with huge ones can excel perfectly fine in athletics as long as she is cinched in to multiple sports bras. Yes, multiple. It looks kind of funny, like she's got huge immovable big statue mounds in there, but it works fine and doesn't inhibit like you think. Without any sports bras, they do get in the way and flop around and cause her to get off balance a bit, but no real pain like you might think. None that i ever could tell. Source: 38F ex-girlfriend who used to crush me in tennis and could swim and dive circles around me.
    What i know about balls is more first hand and hits closer to home. I was making some inroads on a beazy i had been scoping out and finally got to be dancing with. It turned into a bit of bump and grind and i was like, hey, I'm in with this. Then her girlfriend or whatever comes busting in and wants to fight me. This is at the grangers club and everybody's a bit drunk or whatever, this is three years ago. They start egging her on and i'm all of a sudden like, this is a no win situation here for me cuz look at her, she's half my size and she's a chick. But she keeps pushing me and getting up in my grill, so i finally push her back just to get her off of me. Then i felt it, she kicked me hard, but it missed, most of it went too far back behind my balls and blasted me up in my prostate or whatever. But enough of part of her foot or maybe the top of her ankle just kinda barely jangled my balls just slightly, to where i felt this quick little electric jolt behind my eyes, enough to distract me for a split second and for her to point up at my face and say, "That's the look," whatever the hell that meant. Anyway, i saw her commitment was absolute or maybe she was on something crazy. But i was stuck out on the dancefloor with surrounding idiots blocking most ways of dignified retreat i could see, so i just had to defend myself. I stood to the side so she couldn't sucker me again with any front kicks or snap kicks or whatever they're called. When she came in, i just shoved her back, only harder. But still she got a foot in, only it missed where she was obviously going with it. She kicked off to the side and in. I don't know, maybe that's the roundhouse kick. I have had my share of fights, but i don't get into the ninjitsu stuff. She didn't give any appearance like she was some MMA pro, either. Just really super pissed off and on something, maybe. Anyway, her roundhouse kick to my downstairs region landed off to the side, like with a hard smack, up against where my left leg joins at the hip. Had no effect on me whatsoever physically, but mentally it worried the hell out of me. I knew where i would be if that had landed where she was aiming. So the next time she came in, i open palmed her to the nose and made her nose bleed like instantly. It drove her off again and i hoped it was over, but she came back on me again. Things had got so serious, i was going to go at her close-fisted this time, but she roundhouse kicked again and i knew instantly, the electric shock behind my eyeballs was like a much bigger voltage or whatever, and suddenly i was looking at the dance floor close up a half inch from my face and I'm all curled up and clutching myself and then the horrible horrible nausea hit me deep and everywhere in my stomach. I don't know how long i was down, but it was long enough for some jerk to ho call an ambulance. Try explaining to your local EMTs that you're okay, no really, you're in a lot of pain, but you don't need to go to the hospital, when you've got the girl who did it to you over at the back of the bar making fun of it all and of me, and there's like about a gajillion people, seriously. I never messed with her again and i never messed with her friend that i was into again. Don't tell me balls aren't a liability. Boobs are not that much of a liability, but balls are. Oh hell yes.

  32. I am a professional female boxer. I do most of my sparing with male boxers out of neccessity. Our gym is frickin hot. So the less clothes and crap the better, so i seldom wear my chest protectir and i get hit in both breasts pretty much all the time. Doesn't affect me at all, just pises me off.
    My guy sparing partners often dont wear a cup. That pises me off but for a diffrent reason. If i even tap them down there accidentally then they are done for the day. They can't go on and i don't get my sparing in.
    You better beleive i could kick a guys ass if i get free groin shots. Especially if he's my size or smaller. Unless he's way the hell bigger then me, if lowblows are allowed, their done. Geez even if he is bigger. They cant take it. One shot and they are down.

    1. I as a male have to agree with you. if in a mixed fight the female gets hit in her breasts she for the most part can keep fighting, but if while fighting the female hits the males testicles he' in a lot of trouble. was a kid I had several fights with girls and lost every time because they hit me in the testicles. now when I was fighting them I was really just trying to pin them so I could end the fight and I was bigger than them. so I would tackle them to the ground and that's where the troubles for me would begin. the girl wouldn't just lay there and let me pin her she wiggled and rolled to get free and some how either punch and knee would tap me in the balls of and elbow and once I was grabbed. that would cause me to pull back or loosen my hold on her and she would brake away. now I was still a little off and she was seeing her advantage and would move in for the finial hit to the balls. and end the fight. oh and the time I was grabbed I brought my arm down and knocked her hand away only to find her rolling me over on my back with her on top. she had me pinned and short of breath and looking right into her eyes and saw pure evil glee there. she kneed me in the balls a bunch of times. i was in 8th grade and i was crying and that's how she left me at the park. an hour later she came back and saw me still there and she came over to tease me but when she saw i was still recovering she actually became very concerned and took me to her house and gave me an ice pack and well lets just say the we became friends and her mom hated me and still does to this day

    2. "You better believe I could kick a guys ass if I get free groin shots".No way I would step in a ring with you to find out.A little research shows numerous men that died from having their balls kicked,stomped or squeezed by a woman.

  33. The very premise of "sport" fighting like karate, kickboxing or whatever is to remove the obvious vulnerable targets from the menu to create more of a skilled endurance contest featuring speed, strength, agility and strategy. Sure, if you ONLY allowed balls as a target it changes the game, but that's stupid. The only fair way to do it is to allow them ALL - eyes, throat, spine etc. You should all take a moment to visualize how that would turn out, and then realize there's a reason we don't do that.

  34. Good try, but you have to do better than that: The point of this thread is that men have one more vulnerable target (two more, actually) that females do not have.

  35. It's all pretty simple really. Guys are physically stronger and the right choice when physical endurance and ability is needed. Sports, military, etc. However it's undeniable that no matter what we're doing our balls are the great equalizer, just out there and vulnerable. They make us susceptible to being stupid or getting easily distracted. And even one light whack and we're going to our knees like a sack of potatoes.

    In basic training nutshots were a high form of entertainment. It always struck me as funny that these big beefy masculine dudes all geared out and ready to kick ass would collapse like a wet napkin as soon as someone lightly tapped their nuts. And they're placed just so poorly, right there on display.

    Sports specifically, tho (trying to keep it on topic) not sure it's a huge detriment, depends on the sport. Catchers for example - yes, they're basically spreading their legs and inviting baseballs to be thrown at 100mph towards their tender bits. But when they inevitably get whacked, they stop the game to check things out. If the game continued and it was 'tough luck' to the player keeled over, then it'd definitely be a disadvantage. Wrestling and the like, tho, is a big disadvantage, esp f/m matches. A girl can have your balls tightly in their fist and you have to either keep going, or lose. And at that point, chances are the guy will lose.

  36. When i first saw this post i started cracking up. I so have lived this. I wasn't going to add a comment but now i can no longer resist. I have coached little league for several years. It wasn't easy at first for a single mom. But my daughter really wanted to play and i figured it would help her and she is pretty good and i am proud of her. Plus i had a lot of brothers. Well i found out pretty quick there are an awful lot of arrogant, immature fathers out there and baseball is like their religion, basically. These types of men are too lazy to help volunteer coach and gimme a hand, but they want to give me grief during practice and in the games. Finally i had a verbal altercation with one father who came onto the field when i was changing his son out on the mound. His son was tired and needed to come out. But not according to drill instructor daddy, but he made the mistake of putting his hands on me and even though it was just his finger it gave me the excuse to kick him in the balls. I left him in a heap on the mound, took his son out of the game anyway, and walked off and everybody had to wait for this guy's friends to come get him and it took forever but he could finally walk with a lot if help from his buddies but his days of giving me orders were over. Worked on my brothers and it worked on him, so there.
    But then came last year, and i hope nobody i know reads this, but another dad thinks his boy is going to play catcher in the majors someday. Trouble is, my girl catches. Now i admit, it is close, but the boy
    has a tad better arm to second, so i moved my daughter to third to accomodate. This dad would not shut up about all the reasons his son is specially gifted for catcher. Okay, fine. And the boy was good. But darn if he didn't get dinged by a one-hopper right at the plate in our second month of the season, and the kid had to go to the hospital. Game got stopped forever, ambulance, fire trucks, the whole deal. He was okay it turned out. They never did tell me what happened other than, yes, the boy was wearing his cup. I know they can slip out sometimes and cause greater problems, so i'm guessing that's what happened. But not being part of the good old boy's network they never told me, even though i'm his coach. Go figure. Well the boy recovered in two weeks and came back, and damn if his father isn't giving me the same old load of arrogant crap about how his son is "specially gifted" for third base. So now i have got to inconvenience my daughter, move her BACK to catcher again to accommodate this overly entitled father and his boy. What got me was, the man couldn't just come out and admit they were scared of another injury to the boy's balls. He had to come on all blathering about his son's special talents, like i had not heard him say the same exact crap over his boy's previous destiny of playing catcher. Men really cannot talk about their weakness. I seriously did not know whether to laugh out loud when he was giving me his spiel again, or else to kick him in the balls. i did neither and i moved my girl around again. But in retrospect, i wish i had done both, and not let them tell me where my daughter is going to play on my team. This father remained arrogant all season, unlike the one i kicked in the balls a few years back. Nothing against his kid, but thank god they are not back with me this year.

    1. Interesting story...I'm surprised that the boy had that much of an issue if he was wearing a cup. Yes, balls can slip out of a cup but that typically isn't a problem for young boys, especially if their balls haven't "dropped" during puberty. Either he really wasn't wearing a cup or he developed early or there is some other part of the story we don't know.

    2. Ah, you made me remember something. The boy had facial hair. Only 12, but he had a little beard thingie going on. Very weird at the time. Maybe that was it. Like early bloomer stuff. But does it make that much difference? Here's what I don't get: I kicked two boys in the balls way back when I was in elementary school, one in fifth grade, one in sixth. Both were just as devastated as the boy I coached whose cup slipped up in his crouch. Does it really make that much difference if they drop or not?? Either way it hurts, doesn't it? I'll never know, so I'm just sitting here wondering. And thanking my lucky stars I don't have those things!

    3. I can't speak to the cup question, but I can confirm that it hurts just as much before they "drop" as after. "dropping" just refers to the increase in size (just as with breasts) that happens during puberty. The first time my sister kicked me was when I was 8 or 9, and I was curled up for 20 minutes.

    4. It hurts the same. I got hit when I was three. I dropped, curled up, and sobbed.

  37. You're a simpleton with a male inferiority complex issue. In all actuality, getting hit in the vagina hurts just as bad as getting hit in the balls. In MMA, guys that get hit in the groin don't typically go down because of pain...they mostly do it to take a break or in an attempt to get a point deducted from their opponent. Its similar to flopping in soccer. If you were smarter you would know that!

    In addition, women simply can't compete with men in combat sports....if they could, there wouldn't be male divisions and female divisions.

    FYI, striking the balls in a fight is the dumbest thing you can do to a guy unless you want to really piss him off. Most real men won't feel pain during a fight since adrenaline will dull any pain. It is much smarter to go for the eyes and throat. Unfortunately, there are too many dumb martial instructors that don't realize this so they keep telling women to go for the groin....bad idea.

    1. You really think me getting hit down there hurts as bad as you? DAYUM! I could show you. i wish i could show you. oh i sooo wish. Ask my naked husband. Ask the boy that tackled me too hard during smear the queer, he had to be helped to the nurses office. I think he liked me. He's one that just only looked at me in the hall after that at school, then turned away. OMG I make you just like him. Hella docile and subdued. Then you can say, thats girl power. And id be like, damn straight.

  38. If low blows were allowed in boxing, this woman easily crushes every top-ranked male boxer in the world in the 140 lb. category:
    She would knock out the top ten male fighters in her weight class and not one of them would see the end of the 3rd round standing up. Can you imagine a male her own size trading blows with her in the corner? She could knock a male out with a shot to the chin, same as they could do to her. However, she could also at any time slip one downstairs on him, probably ending the fight right there and putting him down for not just 10 seconds but more like 5 or 10 minutes. But even if he miraculously didn't go fetal, he'd still have to drop his hands to protect his nuts, and then she could clip him on the chin and KO him old school. And the male boxer would have no recourse, no answer for this: He could try hitting her below the belt, but 99 out of 100 times this would do little or nothing, she could walk right through and keep coming forward, whereas 99 out of 100 times her low blows on him, every low punch would be like driving the agony of defeat deep into his bowels. It would be no contest. Even Mayweather, he might be the only one to make it out of 3 rounds with her, but only by shamelessly running and refusing to fight her and gathering far more boos than usual for him.
    Lucia could probably walk through all the male 150 pounders, too.
    Stop the senseless chauvinism in boxing. Legalize low blows. No cups for balls, no cups for boobs. Let's see who's really the stronger sex. It's time.
    Would anybody care to guess?

  39. I use to play field hockey. A number of times I saw the hard hockey ball kicked or flicked into a man's balls. They were out of the game for the next 15-30 minutes or substituted if there was one. They had to be helped off the pitch only after 5 minutes of injury time. The girls would invariably found it funny whilst feeling sorry for themselves and as my girlfriend said, happy their ovaries were safe inside.

  40. Balls get in the way at wedding receptions. I can attest to this. Years ago at a backyard wedding reception at the bride's relative's house, they had a Great Dane mingling around with all the guests, tail like a wrecking ball whip, thunk thunk thunk about waist level. Finally it took out a guy from the groom's family, smacked him dead in the balls, wine glass broken, plate of food strewn all over. Guy was down several minutes then got helped into the house. Most thought it was funny--girls especially. The family couldn't bring the dog inside, it was too big. So the rest of the party, girls were getting irritated at the occasional tail whips they would receive, but the guys got all paranoid and whenever the dog even looked at them, they would turn their hips or raise their leg up to casually block that incoming tail. Only it didn't look so casual when the dog got near the guys. Girls were casual, or else irritated, or else making jokes about the guys. True story.

  41. I have a question what if the girl is bigger than the boy would it still be fair for her to hit him in his testicles in a fight?

    1. Of course it's fair. If larger male opponents are allowed to hit females in the breasts/groin then larger female opponents are allowed to strike smaller male opponents right in the balls :)

  42. OMG i cant tell u how many guys i kicked in the nuts. Has to be 6 or 7. It just wasnt a big deal to me. From what i do remember, it seemed to be a very big deal to them LOL. They'd piss me off, I'd get em back, but I'd go for the gold and win.
    The thing i don't get, once in awhile u hear guys all saying how if some girl ever kicked them in their balls, they would kill them or beat the shit out of them. That wasn't what i saw at all. Everytime i ever got a guy down there, he never bothered me again. First off, they couldnt do anything right after i kicked them, because they couldn't get up off the ground. But even months later, the guy would just kinda look at me in the hall and walk away like he was still scared of me or probably still embarrassed. Seemed to me like a good kick in the balls made guys docile, not enraged. Like i subdued them and made them less of a jerk. They wouldnt bully me anymore, they also wouldnt bully anybody else. Not one of them ever came after me. Zero. I am guessing the pain they felt got burned into their memory and kept them in check from there on out. LOL here was this little girl teaching little jerks how to be gentlemen the hard way. With my foot.

  43. One time i DO remember doing it, because it wasn't that long ago. My ex-husband was pissed off at me. I don't even remember for what and i don't even remember if i knew at the time. All i remember was, it was way out of line and over the top. He got in the shower but it didnt settle him down. He got out and started yelling at me in the bedroom over by our closet. He got up really close and was yelling, it was unsettling to say the least. Especially since he was naked. He either dropped his towel or threw it somewhere. That was his mistake. He was up too close, pinning me against the closet, for me to kick him or even knee him. But he was naked and there they were. I slapped him as hard as i could, right on target, and he dropped like immediately, cut off in mid sentence, and i was able to walk right around him as he went silently from his knees to all fours. And no, he never did try to "get me back". He never tried to corner me like that again either!

    1. Was this what led to him being your ex husband? Admit, you treasure this memory.

    2. No, that was because he cheated on me. He's lucky i didn't kick him in the balls over that. I sure as hell wanted to. Why not? Its his balls made him do it, right?
      And i wasn't even mean to him when he came out of the shower at me. If i was to be mean to him, i would have chopped him on the back of the neck. Thats what they taught at a self defense class I took, when they get hit down there, they curl over, exposing the back of the neck, so you can knock them out by chopping them there. i just slapped him good so he couldnt lift his head up, but even tho his head was all like loll, loll, loll just hanging down limp like that, I just walked away. I didnt want to knock him out, I just wanted to teach him a lesson. I could have, tho.

  44. Ooo, someone posted here about Lucia Rijker. She's retired now, without ever l ok sing. My husband and I have known about her for years. He seems to think he wouldn't have a problem with her. He meant with his Nuttybuddy. He probably could do it with it on, but without it, i won't tell him this but Lucia takes him down in like 30 seconds I'm serious. I wouldn't let him fight her though. I love my husband and also we might want to have another kid. With or without his cup, i wouldn't allow it. Seriously I'd put some type of ballistics foam in his cup if she ever even came near him.

    1. Oh heck yeah, Lucia Rijker. Crap, she's tough. Know all about her, she's the real deal. Her only loss came against a male opponent who KO'd her in the 2nd round. But guess what: The male opponent got to wear a cup, and groin blows were of course disallowed. Guess what the result would be if you do the natural thing and take away that guy's cup and allow for groin shots? In a non-artificial setting, without an artificial testicle shell, that guy wouldn't have survived the first round against Lucia Rijker. And I suspect that neither would any other guy, I have to admit.

  45. When I was a summer camp counselor I got chased around and around one night by another counselor and we were mostly naked (don't ask) except I that I did have a half-shirt on. I don't exactly have small boobs and they were big even then, and they were flapping every which way, but he gave up first and a ambulance had to be called out cause his balls got tangled up together. My boobs didn't get tangled up, but his balls did?? How's that happen? I liked him but I don't know if he could have kids or not after that, so it's just as well.
    Yeah, I'd call that balls getting in the way, boobs bouncing all over but not really getting in the way. Not really. It would be nice to not get black eyes from my own boobs, but it's more of an inconvenience. It doesn't stop me from doing things or send me to the hospital for "mammary torsion." That's what my boy toy got for chasing me naked: "testicular torsion." So glad I'm not a guy.

  46. Haha! This is all too true.. If men and women were to compete in the same weight division, with no cups and groin shots were allowed, then every single fight would end like this

    I think it's time we all realized that the term 'below the belt' shouldn't mean you've cheated, just that you were smart enough to use the advantages that you were given :)

  47. Very funny yet honest and true article! Men and women have weaknesses after all, despite of how strong we are. If we are hit to our most sensitive body parts, it could really turn us into our worst. Great post anyways!

    1. Men AND women? How strong WE are? You sir, should go into politics. You've managed to say something, and yet simultaneously to say nothing at all.

  48. Suzanne_black beltAugust 8, 2014 at 3:28 AM

    One that I like to teach my students I first got out of a magazine article on martial arts legend Kathy Long many years ago. According to the article, it was the technique that earned Long the nickname "the Punisher." Here is what you do, as Kathy did it and I teach it: Male assailant accosts you and reaches for you; you drop quickly into a crouch and as you do so you cup your hand upward and strike hard upwards into the scrotum; this will cause male assailant to bend forward towards you very close to you (bending happens fast so be sure his head doesn't hit yours); grab inside of his achilles tendon on either of his legs, reaching around behind it then pulling inward, your other hand is positioned at front of male assailant's same foot and can assist by pushing near the toe in the same direction though this usually isn't necessary, males lack the lower back muscles to right themselves easily from this position while females do have the muscles to maneuver in and out of the stooped position with ease; male assailant then falls backward instead of forward, flat onto his back, and there is a brief few seconds of his being doubly-stunned (first from the palm strike and then from the backwards fall) with his legs splayed open before you as you are already there crouching down; this is the window of opportunity to administer "the punishment": strike, strike, strike away with palm strikes, fists, what have you. Administer as many as needed, unless male assailant is in unusually fit shape, it will be hard for him to sit up in time, and this technique then has the added benefit of actually getting grown violent men to scream like a banshee. Do not spend too much time. Six or seven quick authoritative blows to scrotum and then the female should be hastening away from the situation and on her way. Done correctly, extremely
    few male assailants will care about anything other than the contents of their own scrotum for several minutes thereafter, but we teach get to safety first, pride over actions comes later.
    -Suzanne, martial arts instructor, 12 years

    1. awesome technique Suzanne, and one that I have used before against another fellow male in a fight. funny how we cant easily menauever out of a position like that..i had this guy down on his back, legs splayed and with rapid palm strikes and fists smashed his testicles to bits. it worked real well! And yes, us dudes do aim for the others sack when we need to. A fight is a fight!

    2. Interesting that it worked for you. I have seen from my students that men in that stooped position can throw a punch or two and then they have to stop and prop themselves up on one arm. Females, on the other hand, can support their torsos from this position for longer. Their upper torsos are lighter, and they have lower back muscles that males seem to lack. Witness: Get in front of a wall and bend down to it at 90 degrees with the top of your head touching the wall. Have a light chair in front of you. I use this to demonstrate to my class how much of a true advantage females have over males in terms of this position. If you are male, you won't be able to lift the chair without pushing off with your arms on the wall. Females, however, will have no problem whatsoever lifting the chair. They have the back muscles to lift themselves from this position, while males do not. It is surprising to see, but it is 100% demonstrative.

    3. Where can one find a video demonstration of this?

    4. I watched those videos and tried it myself. I couldn't do it, but my girlfriend did it easily.
      Damn. That really sucks.

  49. Despite being trained in Muay Thai, jiu jitsu, and experienced in fighting all around, one of my worst losses was to a female in a friendly match where i was quick to overpower her and take the fight to the ground, with her on her back. And as I have her there ready to make my next move, her hand slips up my shorts and boxers and grabs my testicles in a brutal hold. It was pretty much game over. I yelled in pain and using my sack as leverage she got me on my back and went for a choke as she kept squeezing my balls. It sucked!

  50. Balls are also a disadvantage in recreational activities. In my Swing Dancing class, I don't know of any disadvantage of having boobs, but an accidental knee, foot or hip in the nuts has had many guy crawling off the dance floor.

  51. My girlfriend's got this friend who's practically a midget, not even five feet tall and not even 100 pounds. I outweigh her by a hundred pounds. She was a ballerina (literally) and now she choreographs at a dance studio. My girlfriend had her ex-ballerina friend over one night a few years ago, and i passed by them in the kitchen talking about womens self defense classes. Seems the ballerina chick thought she was hot you know what because she had done a few self defense courses, and would my girlfriend join up. But i couldn't help but scoff at this little chihuahua of a chick thinking dhe was so tough. Right away my girlfriend got this look on her face that said "Don't do that" to me but in pantomime, she didn't say it. The pipsqueak gal went right to referring to my BALLS, i couldn't believe it. She said if she was ever to hit me there at even half strength, that i would be done. I said, "Yeah, right. You watch too many movies," but my girlfriend was trying to motion for me to stop. Well the little one had her panties all in a bunch to make good on her boast, so i said, "Yeah, okay, go for it," but i made repeat to me and promise about the half-strength stuff, and then as an even added protection, i tell her only do it with your keft foot, which was her non-dominant one. I was confident, yeah, but something in the way my girlfriend was pantomiming made me think i better play it safe.
    It wasn't a normal kick, didn't make any thump, it was a light flick kick she did, i found out later. Like, well, a doggone ballerina, i guess. I had instantly gone to my knees like my knees had been drawn on with markers and somebody had just swiped their hand across and erased them. This first initial SHAZAM! feeling zipped through me, then came the pain, then came nausea. I thought it took me about a minute to recover, but my girlfriend insists it was longer. However, even after i got up, i just had to sit diwn for awhile in the nearest chair, my legs were unsteady a bit, but mostly i just felt a little spacey or unstable, or like i had just lost all my motivation to do ANYthing until whatever had just happened to me would just go away finally, but it wouldn't, it just kept sticking around and lingering in the pit if my stomach, till then the ballerina who'd just blasted me with some kind of half-flick of her foot started laughing, so i said, "yeah, but you got two weak spots to one of mine." I could talk but it was strauned. Well both girls took umbrage at this, and after confirming what i meant, they showed me something. They said, "Watch, you need to watch, buddy boy," and they each took a turn hitting each other's boob hard and it didn't even faze them. The little one was flat as a board, but my girlfriend had big ones, but neither of them flinched or showed any sign of being hurt. I was nonplussed. Finally, i said, Yeah, but there. Hurts you just the same as me there. To which the girls just about fell down from laughing, then they said, Watch, just watch, and they did it again taking turns on each other, kicking one another in the crotch pretty damn frigging hard, but they didn't show any sign of being distressed at all by pain. They basically laughed and made fun of me, then left to go shopping. They invited me to go, and i didn't know they weren't serious, so i told them, No, i didn't feel well enough to get up just yet, and they about died laughing because i guess i was rubbing my balls when i said that without even realizing it, so they laughed aloud and pretended to rub their crotches as they walked out, all faking like they were bow legged and limping.
    That's the day i wanted to be a female.

  52. I thought i had been hit in the balls before and knew all about that and it wasn't that big a deal like people were making it, but then about two years ago i had a chick i was messing around with kind of karate chop me in the balls to get me back for something, and---OH MY GOD DOES THAT HURT!!!
    I had no idea, no idea. I guess if I'm thinking about it, i only ever got graized down there, not full-on, dead-on hit. Oh my God did that hurt. I wasn't the same for like a whole hour, i swear. People were talking to me, but i wasn't all the way there, didn't care what they were saying. My only focus was on my stomach. I got hit in one of my balls, but the pain was up in my stomach way far up there and it just wouldn't go away, man i could give a crap about anything else, just gimme my normal stomach back, please.

  53. The whole thing with testicals is overblown i think. I never been hit there, but i notice it's guys who are out of shape or flabby or just not athletic over all who go down at hit groin and can't get back up. They can't shake it off but there out of shape so no wonder, they can't shake it off like a in-shape guy. I
    have a theory for this. I think if you have a well develop abdomin core, if you flex in time when you get hit, your muscles can block a lot of the pain. I do crazy amounts of sit ups every week. If i flex i show eight muscles and not small ones. I'm pretty sure i could take a hit to my balls way better than some skinny dude or some fat guy. Your balls are outside your body. You got muscles in between them and your body. Just flex. Don't panic. Unless your out of shape, then it's your own fault.

    1. Are you serious? You think you can keep out ball pain from entering your abdomen by flexing your abs???
      Ha ha ha ha ha.
      Good luck with that.

    2. hahaha.. notice its the guy that's never been hit in the balls that reckons he can ignore the pain.. See if you still believe that next time you're in the fetal position, eyes rolled into your head, trying to ignore the pain just long enough to see if you can remember how to breathe again

    3. Okay, i tried it. I had my girlfriend kick me. I had to all psyche myself up like crazy and i told her go for it then her foot came and i was ready with abs flexed. It hurt so incredible bad like i never was hurt before, and why so deep all the way up to my stomach i have no idea. I think what happened was i let up a little in my ab flexing cause the kick caught me in between breaths. Had it not been for that i think i could have blocked almost everything out. As it stands, because her foot actually hit me in the middle of my taking a breath, some of the pain got in past my abs. I had my girlfriend keep track of time though and i was only down four and one half minutes, and then i shot right back up. I'm telling you. It worked. If i had not had my strong abs i have, i would have been down a long long time i am sure. It was scary what it felt like though. What got past my ab defense was scary bad. But that just means more incentive for me doing poo situps and crunches even more, till i can not have to worry at all no matter what.

    4. your balls contain nerves that connect to your stomach, hence why getting hit there makes you want to throw your guts up. The problem with your theory is that even if its true, in a normal situation you wont have time to prepare yourself for getting hit in the nuts. The only way to experience a realistic hit to the balls would be to tell your girlfriend to kick you when you're not expecting it, then see how much of the pain you can block out.

  54. I've never been seriously assaulted in the ballsack by a female (or male for that matter) so I cannot say that it would or wouldn't incapacitate me in a skirmish of any kind but I have known of men who were kicked in the balls while fighting and they were only momentarily stunned before getting back to their full strength and aggressiveness. I have also known of men who were knocked to the ground from a kick to their balls. I've heard of some men (though I've never seen this) who claim to have been conditioned through some kind of martial arts training to be able to withstand direct kicks or strikes to their groins without hardly even flinching.

    I have little doubt that a strike to a woman's breast is anywhere in the same ballpark as a hit to a guy's groin is but I don't believe that a strike (even a direct hit) to the ballsack will totally or even seriously incapacitate every male. Just like women, every man is different. Some would fall to the ground in agony while others would continue on doing whatever it was they were doing.

    I'm just glad that I've never personally found out what I would do because that would mean that I would have been struck there.

  55. I meant to say, "I have little doubt that a strike to a woman's breast is anywhere in the same ballpark as a hit to a guy's groin is when it comes to serious pain but I don't believe that a strike (even a direct hit) to the ballsack will totally or even seriously incapacitate every male."

  56. I have been kicked dead in my balls when I was in 8th grade by a girl in 6th grade. I had been teasing her about her breasts and she all of a sudden screamed my name I was down crying and holding my testicles. so anyone who says they can take a kick in the testicles is a just not normal.

    1. oh my, what did she do after that?

    2. she told the teachers and I was held after school for an hour and half for 2 weeks. they had me write out I will not tease others and clean the class room.

      yes the teachers were females

    3. oh dear.....they didn't at least have any pity on you? Like an ice pack? were the teachers young?

    4. yeah they gave me an ice pack and called my mom to have her pick me up from school that day. mom agreed to the after school punishment and the teachers were late 30's and black I was white and the girl she was also black.
      before you ask 3 weeks after the girl kicked me I was walking her home. her mom was not happy because I was 2 years older and white. she shat white and black shouldn't mix. I was shocked. but I told her you mean like irish and Italian shouldn't mix?
      than her daughter said mom this is the boy I kicked
      her mom just started laughing and said kids will be kids. and then she looked right at me and pointed her finger into my chest and said I know you will behave because you know what she'll do to you if you don't. this was 1979

    5. at least she didn't point at your groin and say something like "now you know who the weaker sex is" right?

    6. 'men'..... 'weaker sex' .... hahaha! nice troll :)
      All these sad posts by women with obvious jealousy issues, envious they don't possess the organs responsible for making us strong and powerful in the first place. There's a reason strong people "have balls" and weak people "are pussies". Before you ask, no, I havn't been hit full force in the nuts before but I have been tapped there and I only felt a bit of pain, barely any and I can't imagine a direct kick would be much worse.

    7. Yeah, that's what i used to think, too. Until i actually received a direct kick down there. Now i don't think that way anymore. First hand experience is one helluva mean teacher.

    8. haha hey faithakara posting as an 'anonymous' man. I'm sorry but no, testicles, the organs you seem to have a personal vendetta against are not that sensitive and they sure as hell don't make us the 'weaker sex'. Do you really think that even without a cup, a kick to the balls would stop the average man beating the average woman in a fight?

    9. FaithAkaraHughRenassleNovember 17, 2014 at 8:14 PM

      What, you mean like this?

    10. Wow, he hit her like seven times and nothing happened. He even hit her low one time. Nothing.
      Then she tags him one time and lights those nuts up for him.
      I understand they were just sparring, but she certainly didn't hit any harder than he did, probably less. But dude, he had seven or eight shots to her one!
      Maybe there's something to this thread after all.

    11. And his leg was full on twitching. He was really feeling it.

    12. are you serious? of course he dropped after 1 hit, that man was a twig, she was practically bigger than he was. I dare you to find a clip of a REAL man (not a scrawny little runt) losing a fight to a woman because she managed to get him in the nuts.

    13. Grown man's unprotected groin devastated by a mere heel bump from a teenage girl in a sparring session. Are you sure you want non-cup-wearing men to face women in LIVE ACTION when the women are actually ALLOWED to go for the nuts? Really??

    14. wow.. she barely tapped him and he was down like a sack of bricks. maybe there's something to this.... nah that's rubbish, was either set up or just a lucky shot. actually, kinda looks like he was acting just to make everyone laugh, that must be it. Sorry, but our nuts arn't that sensitive which is why you can only find 1 clip of this happening

  57. I have been perusing this blog and in particular this post for some time now. As a black belt in jiu jitsu and an instructor for several years now, i thought i might be in a unique position to dispel this myth about female superiority once a male's groin was made a legitimate target. I recently sparred, ie rolled, with two of my female students under the agreement that i would not wear any protection down there, and they could go after me down there. Actually, i got them to agree i could go after them down there too--figured it would be a fantastically easy way to get some tail.
    Unfortunately, both of these female students defeated me in under 30 seconds, as both times i had them securely wrapped over me in my guard, they reached down and pinched one of my testicals and i was forced to submit immediately. How they both thought independently of doing this i don't know, but it has had a profound impact on my psyche these past few nights. I still have no resolution and i don't know what to do. I still have to face these women as their teacher and sensei, but i have already seen the loss of respect and they tease me in class.

    1. They have since found out that they each did that to me, women talk to women i guess. And i have seen the one snicker and make furtive pinching gestures with her fingers to me, and her facial expression is as if to say, Hey Instructor, you want some more of this? I didn't think so.
      The other one is louder and less furtive, and doesn't do anything in class. But another girl i know went to a baby shower with her and her sparring match with me came up for conversation and she apparently regaled the whole room full of women how she made me quit in half a minute. They all thought it was hilarious. So i am told.
      Not cool.

    2. oh least you know women aren't really the weaker sex :)

    3. The thing is, this is a profound realization for someone such as myself who has given so much time and sweat equity in this sport.
      I literally cannot assume a guard position and maintain any control over an opponent if my testicals are made available for attack. In fact, as I've said, it is apparently an instant loss for me to let my opponent into my guard. I can into into mount position with a relative degree of safety, because my testicals are then positioned lower and behind the posterior of my opponent underneath me, affording me a fair degree of safety from those chickenshit finger pinches. But trying to control them in guard is like handing them my testicals on a silver platter.
      Thus i have no guard, only mount.
      While my testical-less opponents have recourse to both mount AND guard.
      Shit. I thought this whole thread was bollocks till i actually tried it out.
      Shit. Turn out it's me. I'm the one who's bollocksed.
      I can't beat a female student of mine, much less a peer. Not in real life it turns out.
      My balls are that much of a frigging liability. I am at an impasse in my career.
      Now what the hell do i do, quit?

    4. haha! that's hysterical.. forced to quit your job because you have testicles.
      I think you're going a bit overboard there, I mean, even if they can pinch you there, so what? It's a PINCH! I don't exactly have any, but are you telling me that your balls are so sensitive that simply pinching them can turn you into a defenceless mess?

    5. Oh yeah. A hard pinch can definitely do that.

    6. Oh wow, all those years of training and working out and all it takes to defeat you is 2 fingers to the balls. I hope for your sake your secret doesn't get out

    7. It's true. I read this and tried it with 2 women in my class. Told them, Roll with me, you can have a go at my nuts, i just wanna see something. Let the first one into my guard, held her there a little longer than usual till she wanted out, then sure enough she grabbed me and squeezed, not really a pinch, but i was done. She won just like that. The other girl was watching, so it took her no time at all to grab my nuts as soon as i got her in my guard. Again i had to tap immediately or risk serious pain and i don't even want to think of what kind of injury. As soon as the fingers close down there on you, you know it and you'll do anything as a guy to give up fast. It's like they have you by a dangling eyeball or something. You KNOW you're in a kind of trouble that only begging and pleading can get you out of, I'm no instructor but i know my way with bjj, got two years in now. Now, both women were only a few pounds less than me, one about ten pounds less, one maybe twenty less. If they had been smaller i could have overpowered them and kept them away from my nuts. But as it stands, both these women were almost my size, and almost my level of training.
      I repeated it once more with them a few days later. Same thing. I couldn't beat them, they went for my balls even faster and got me. The last time, when she went for my balls with her hand while i had her in guard, i saw the opening for a triangle choke. I totally had her. Then she turned her head just enough to scare the hell out me that her mouth was gonna make contact with my sack. She could have done it. Would she have done it? I didn't stay on the mat long enough to find out. I tapped instantly and so would any other guy.
      This ain't no bullshit.
      I couldn't beat these two under bjj rules, not if they could go for my nuts.
      I think i could beat them if strikes were allowed. But then again, they could strike my nuts.
      I don't know what to tell you guys. I did my best to disprove this myself. You go try it. I did my best. Sorry.

    8. Where the 2 women young and pretty?

    9. It's been a couple of weeks now, give us an update.. did your secret weakness get out? are the girls now running the class? using your balls to get the upper hand?

    10. I don't want to talk about it.

    11. OMG! They are arn't they?? Bet you the girls are running the class now and you're out of a job haha! All they need to do to beat you is get you once right in those little pain factories between your legs and it's all over. Must suck to be a guy sometimes

  58. hmmmmm, perhaps you can educate women accordingly?

  59. What would be the best way to educate women accordingly do you think?
    I simply assumed all girls knew how delicate guys were "down there" but now I'm not so sure. What do you think the best way to teach ladies that men are the weaker sex would be?

    1. Yeah, them seeing what it does even to their man instructor whose a male would help it sink in. Pair them off with instructor, have instructor let female students wrap her hand around his balls, she squeezes, then when she sees the look on his face when she knows she's doing it, and how easy it is.
      Lesson learned.

    2. Only problem is, I doubt male instructors are willingly going to show their students how vulnerable they are. We may have to encourage female instructors to team up male vs female students and let the female students squeeze their balls as a demonstration. Either that or occasionally forbid protective cups from being worn to a lesson or something like that?

    3. I do think having female instructors for female is good. Women tend to be more comfortable with a female...thats how I feel anyway.

      Im not sure if not wearing cups or squeezing the male trainees balls would help though....

    4. That would be sexual assault. Also, the reason that cups must be worn is just like the reason headgear must be worn-- it isn't needed, but they prevent unnecessary injury. You could also have the girls line up and the boys punch them in the face or kick the girls between the legs to show how weak the girls are. I wouldn't expect you to realize this on your own, though, because you are a troll with no sense of realism

    5. ...or we could have the boys and girls both line up, and both take turns kicking each other between the legs--oh, wait, that's been done already, and you boys won't like the results:

    6. Perhaps you could do a link-up with a correctional facility to have a few male sex offenders attend the female only classes for demonstration purposes?

    7. That video made me feel vulnerable just watching it. She crushed him and mocked him in an even contest. Gulp.

    8. hahahhahahahha, I bet! But i think its kinda weird...

    9. Many guys, such as myself, are able to take hard hits to the balls and shake them off easily. Furthermore, many guys, myself included, can take down a girl in just a few (I can take many down in 1) hits. All it takes is a little training, knowledge of where to hit(girls have more weaknesses than guys), and some testosterone. Protecting your balls really isn't that hard, and for people like me with a bit of experience can shake off a few hits.

    10. Yeah, we know.
      So from now in, Soccer Boss is Numb Nuts.
      We get it.

  60. Yup, that's true that the balls are our weakest spot and good hit in the nuts can finish the fight between man and women very quickly, but still women don't have any chances against men in any fighting situation.

    It's not that easy to hit a man in the groin, and we are much stronger...
    I think that stories about women winning against men with just one kick are just a fairy tales :)

    Dear women don't watch so many movies :)

    1. Thank you! Another person with a brain! I have been kicked, kneed, hit, and have a soccer ball kicked into my nuts, but for me it just isn't that hard to clench my teeth and shake it off. Adrenaline helps too, I had a ball kicked into my balls at a soccer game and I didn't feel that much pain. Plus, it's not too hard to guard 1 target (or I suppose 2, but they are right next to each other)

    2. So like, you won't mind if we call you "numbnuts" then?


    1. hahahaha another bullsh#t website about women winning over guys...

      I think girls can't handle that we are better at sports, we earn more and we are physically stronger than them.

      But lets get back to the main topic, I don't fight with women but if I were in this situation there's no way that she could win. Even if rules would allow her to kick me in the nuts it's just not possible :)

  62. Guy wrestles girl in a "just horsing around" match.
    She dominates and defeats him.
    But it gets worse. In getting position on his back and wrapping him up for the win, she inadvertantly thumps her heel into his groin, and lo and behold, not only is the guy defeated, he ain't even getting up.
    She is.

    Testicles just weren't cut out for contact sports.

  63. Skinny indian woman with big boobs devastates a male harassing her on the street. The damn train gets in the way, but she clearly did something violent to his balls and left him on the ground holding his ringing sack, wondering what just happened.
    So much for Numbnuts's claim that one shot doesn't put guys out of commission.

  64. You folks are right. I just saw this. I can see now how girls are pound for pound
    superior fighters. This girl was half this guy's size yet she destroyed him in a few seconds. I now see what you are saying, because once she got him in the balls, you see how helpless he turned into. She could pretty much do whatever she wanted to with him, so she did.
    I admit. I was wrong. I need to rethink this.
    Here is what i saw:

  65. Oh no, now i found this. A boy wrestles a girl to the ground, but his balls land on her uplifted knee and this renders him helpless, unable to stop her from bending him into a pretzel.
    I see the light. You guys were right. Playing in contact sports versus girls is just too hard on the balls.

  66. Yes, i see it now.
    Superior female durability in contact sports starts quite young and never goes away:

  67. Girl cleans up guy in fair fight.

  68. I can only speak for myself. I have always had low hanging testicals. I knew from the day i saw other guys in the showers. For high school football i never could have played without a cup.
    It has only got worse as i am in my late 30s and they hang down my pants leg and when i sit in a carseat i gotta be ever vigilant to not sit on them. I cannot wear boxers or they constantly bind up and get tweaked and pinched inside the folds of my jeans if i move or bendover wrong. My wife thinks it's hilarious when this happens as i cannot help from cry out and it is sudden when it happens. The longer length doesn't stop the pain from zinging up just as fast into my stomach and lingering forever and ever.
    I am in excellent shape and work out like a maniac, and i could hold my own against most anybody if i am strapped into a protective cup, but if i had to fight even a female with my balls free swinging down my pantleg, i would not
    feel secure at all. As it stands, my wife gets a big kick out of sneaking up behind me while i am brushing my teeth or whatever in front of the mirror, and she reaches thru my legs from behind and grabs me and squeezes and if i don't beg for mercy just right, she starts yanking, or threatening to yank.
    Pisses me off how easy it is to get me.
    If i had the money I'd get the Nick Nolte surgery. I hate these things.
    And they're not exactly small either. More like very large chicken eggs. Wish i had the big johnson, but i don't. I got stuck with the big other things.

    1. Hahaha! that's hilarious. I've heard that if a guy has low hanging nuts there's more chance they'll slip out the bottom of a protective cup causing a hit there to become way more devastating than usual. Is this something that happened to you?

    2. If you make sure they're cinched in tight, you almost never have a problem. I only did once during a game when they did fall out but to my surprise they didn't get pinched they fell below where the cup smashed back down, it screwed up my spermatic cords for several days later discovered, but I didn't get the crippling pain of immediacy and only had to go to the sidelines to get my junk put back in and only I missed a couple plays when i was able to go back in. My guess would be that a regular guy's balls would have been more devastated by a lifted up cup like I had. My low balls fell underneath where it pinches and only my cords got pinched. A regular guy's balls would probably fall only enough to the most dangerous zone where the cup gets shoved back down directly.
      My most dangerous time I encounter, though, comes quite often, and it's these days it happens. I can't lie down on my stomach and read a book or do whatever and have my legs open AT ALL. Or if i do have my legs open, i first gotta be REAL sure to manually lift my balls up underneath my pelvis so that they are not lying on the floor between my legs. If I don't do this, either my kids come up and want to wrestle me, or else my wife comes up and gets a little playfully devious because she knows where they hang to, and I have had some REALLY close calls where they almost got stepped on. No thanks, this is not a blessing, guys. I'd be looking at sure hospital time, I know it. So I gotta be constantly vigilant--lift them up, lift them up. Remind myself, or I could be screwed really quick.

    3. Hahaha! LMAO! I'm so sorry I shouldn't laugh but the idea of you lying on the floor when all of a sudden someone walks past and *CRUNCH* steps on your nads is just to funny!
      I only ask cause an old friend of mine got hit with a fastball while playing baseball once. I think you can guess where it hit him. He would of been fine but one of his boys slipped out the bottom and well... let's just say he's half the man he used to be. Ouch!

    4. do balls actually make a crunching sound when they are crushed?

  69. What does everyone think of this?

    1. Well, he kind of let her kick him. I don't think that there's any legitimate argument that a guy's balls are not his biggest weakness. Of course they are. But I've seen tons of REAL boy vs. girl fights on you-tube, and have seen almost no instances where the girl was able to get in a shot to the balls. The guys have always been attacking too hard for the girl to do so. And, even when they have got in a shot, the blows haven't always ended the fight. Sometimes, but not always.
      I've play wrestled lots of girls, and ball-shots are totally effective, but have never had a real fight with a girl, so I can't comment on that first hand.
      But going way back to the original discussion, the problem with saying that balls should be a legitimate target in organized contact sports is that in organized sports there are ALL SORTS OF RULES to create parity and safety. That's why you'll never see open season on balls in organized sports. They would have to create even more rules to create parity; and safety would go out the window regardless.
      The closest thing I've seen to allowing groin shots are numerous high school wrestling matches on you-tube where the girl climbs on the guy's back, wraps her legs around his waist, and digs her heels into his groin. I don't see how that's legal, but I've rarely seen a guy get out of that and win.

  70. Small woman devastates a man twice her size in a REAL altercation caught on a hotel lobby security camera! The guy was HUGE and she was TINY yet one knee and it was all over for him. She is free to kick him and insult him while he is on the ground and there is nothing he can do about it.
    This is the kind of real live footage that makes me think that is is very possible that women could crush men in open competition if the groin was made a legal target within the rules, like it is in REAL LIFE situations like THIS:

    1. You are perfectly correct, in an "altercation" a woman can escalate the conflict, surprise the guy, and the guy loses. In a real fight the outcome is usually different.

  71. Ladies and Gentlemen, please read.....

  72. And again, in an attempted rape if the girl grabs his nuts, then he's doomed. But, in a real fight, that's not likely to happen.

  73. Oh yeah? Well here's one where the GUY escalates it, and then the girl finishes it. And quick.

    1. One of my favorites! There's no question (at least not in my mind) that, in playful wrestling, if the balls are fair game, then the guy's going to lose often. I had lots of playful wrestling "bouts" with girls/women, and lost more than half. And size didn't matter... the worst "beating" I ever got was from a girl 4'-11" and 85 pounds. Speed was her advantage. Every time I moved in I got kneed.
      To be clear, I agree that, in open competition, if the only rules change is that the groin is a legal target, then girls/women would win more often than not. But then a guy would be nuts (no pun intended) to enter into such a contest.
      But I have only seen a few you-tube videos where girls were able to exploit that in a real fight.

  74. I think we are back to the same conclusion as reached way earlier up in this thread: Namely, that if the groin becomes a legal target in real, actual, professional competition, then usually a man will have to considerably outweigh his female opponent in order to beat her. A man fighting a woman his own size, in his own weight class or nearly so, with comparable training, is going to LOSE most of the time, and every one of those losses will be because of the severe vulnerability of his own groin versus the vastly more durable groin of his female opponent. One little rule change and, voila, women become, pound-for-pound, the better and stronger fighters.
    This is probably actual reality, folks.
    Gulp. And. Ouch.


    enjoy this ladies :)

  76. I have tested the pain sensitivity of both testicles (mine) and vulva (my gf's). It's extremely humiliating to find out how weak my family jewels are compared to my gf's vulva. I am much stronger than my gf, but even if I squeezed the vulva with all my strength, my gf only feels a slight pain like getting her finger squeezed with moderate amount of pain (YES!!! SHE FEELS LESS PAIN GETTING HER VULVA SQUEEZED THAN GETTING HER FINGER SQUEEZED. We have tested that too.) On the other hand, if she squeezes my testicles with only a slight force using only two fingers, I feel like it's the end of the world. I can't speak nor breathe normally. I can't do anything at all except muttering incomprehensible sounds which my gf knows are my words asking her to let go of my poor balls. Nature is extremely unfair to males. Having testicles is like having your eyeballs dangling between your legs without any protection plus pain sensitivity at least twice of your actual eyeballs.

  77. i don't understand it. i have a killer galudious abdominal 8 pack. i have tried it now both ways, when i was ready and flexed before, and when she surprised me and i flexed after. i finally told my girlfriend no more, it's not working. she thought it was hilarious cause my abs weren't blocking anything. i do more daily situps than most guys take breaths, if i couldn't stop a bullet with my ab muscles i could sure as hell slow it down. but they don't do anything against ball pain going right up into my gut and setting up shop right behind my ab wall. i had my girlfriend kick too hard and i couldn't take it, i asked my girlfriend to massage my abs but it didn't do anything to lessen the nausea right behind my ab wall that's useless now. all those sit ups for nothing. cup is my only option and i'm not happy in life right now. girlfriend has taken to liking this or at least my reaction, she says. i have to trust that she will stop now that i said stop. or else wear a cup my whole waking hours. she already violated agreement by tapping me when i didnt know. i saw split second lightning and i almost fell down stairs.

    1. You think you got it bad. I gave up a MA studio. Eight years hard training for nothing. After i made the mistake of experimenting with a couple of my female students to see if my nuts were the liability you guys all said, they took to pinching me in my guard and i couldn't stop it. I already posted this. But then i took to wearing a cup at the advice of my therapist. That only worked until female rollers took to lifting up my cup. They thought it was funny even though the deal was off, i didn't want them touching my nuts anymore. But the boundary of teacher/student i myself had lowered, along with the boundary of male/female taboo regions. I couldn't get these females to go back to previous boundaries as they found they could pretend to do it on accident but you can only stretch that lie so much. A cup doesn't just keep getting uplifted or shoved brutally aside accidentally. They found they could beat me and they couldn't stop messing with it and i couldn't stop them. I tried taping the cup supporter, cinching it tight around me with athletic tape, but that only made me lose feeling and blood supply to my legs and entire lower extremity. But without the tape, they lift the cup, my balls fall out, and i gotta hurriedly get the girl off of me before she comes back down on that cup and crushes my testicles under the hardness of the cup. They loved how I'd panic. But i got news for all of you men: so would you. You got a woman on you in your guard, in between your legs, and you're thinking of arm barring her or choking her, and suddenly you feel her fingers probe you and poke you down there where it makes you shudder, then a split second later feel that cup come away from your body and you feel your balls slip down out of it, and she's on top glaring down at you knowingly..,,i tap and i panic and i tap fast. I want to keep my balls and so would you. Then i had the one girl not lift the cup up but just deliberately and brutally plow into the side of it, first with her shoulder, then with her elbow. That sent me to the hospital. I'm okay now, but I'm done.
      I drive a schoolbus now, hopefully my balls won't get in the way of that.
      There might be a competive MA that a man won't automatically lose to females if testicles are included as legitimate targets, but jiu jitsu ain't it. Trust me i should know.

    2. you still in contact with those ladies?

    3. I see a near future where scrotum strikes are deemed acceptable, groin strikes acceptable, for both men and women in competitive competitions. And males are not going to like the outcome of that. I
      have instructed many females now (and many males) on how easily an abusive male can be totally incapacitated by quick, striking pressure upon the two oval contents of his scrotum. Kick, knee, finger whip, they all work easily and it is simple to learn.

    4. wow Suzanne.....I dont think males would really like that at all........and yes.....agree on the abusive males statement

  78. Hi, I have posted on here months ago. My husband and I teach martial arts in a studio I will be getting half of now. I had written wondering if I could beat him in case of emergency. Well I had my emergency and I beat him. I cannot believe how fast I beat him. No he wasn't wearing his cup, but that's where he got stupid because he started getting physical with me for no reason. He thought he had a reason but there was none and it got escalated and he took up live stance in our own living room and kicked the side of my hip and I actually wanted to scream it hurt so much. My adrenaline kicked in and he actually went to a roundhouse but i caught him under his leg, i timed it just right, not too hard but quick, he yelped and did not get back up until the police arrived 6 or 7 minutes later and they had to help him into the back of their car even then he couldn't walk not even close.
    I did it. I can't believe I actually did that to him. But he frightened me, not to mention hurt my hip badly. I am still so bruised.
    But the thing i can't get over is how easy it was. The things i teach in the studio about the validity of groin strikes i confirmed with my own husband. It all happened so fast and he was one and done.
    Now come the lawyers.
    I'd almost rather fight it out with him. Winner takes all. I'd like the studio. I know it was his originally, but hey.
    No cup, and i can take down my own husband even though he's bigger. I did it. It is MINDBOGGLING how vulnerable men are there!

    1. did you really kick your husband in his jewels????? OMG.......

    2. Yeah i nailed him. No shoes, in our living room, tops of my toes only said Hi to him where he does most of his thinking. It was a flick of my foot that's all, but i timed it just right.
      Oh my gosh was he down for a long time!

    3. Wow! no way they can be THAT sensitive can they? Was he really down for that long? Part of me wonders how much worse it could of been if you wern't barefoot lol

    4. You can't imagine how unsettling this conversation is.
      I've already gone on record, above, to say that if the man and woman are otherwise evenly matched, and balls are not off-limits, then the guy will lose more often than not. I think that's obvious.
      But now it is starting to sink in. The two guys who wrestled with girls and got "pinched" (and now they won't stop doing it), and now Jen's story of a real fight.
      And how casually all you girls are discussing this.
      When I was younger it was pretty darned rare that a girl would target a guy's balls. And they certainly wouldn't discuss it openly. That has certainly changed!
      A guy's package is the source and the symbol of his masculinity; and yet it is also so delicate. And to hear all you ladies talking so casually about jacking it up... a major paradigm shift is taking place. I can't imagine where it's headed, but I bet that, in another ten years male physical superiority will not longer be a societal given.
      In fact, I said that maybe the average man is, by nature, bigger and stronger than the average woman because that evens things up. Now I'm thinking that maybe the average guy is faster than the average girl so that he can run away to safety!

  79. oh dear.....was his reaction similar to this?

  80. if a male is so dumb to agree to fight a female with no protection for his balls then he deserves what happens. if he can protect his balls and win more power to him. but I think the advantage will always be with the female where groin hitting is allowed.

    1. I agree. But I was thinking about this, and if you change ANY other rule than that one, then you probably give an even greater advantage to the man.
      On a slightly different subject, I did a little research but couldn't find where men and women ever faced each other in "sanctioned" NHB fighting. Certainly not in ancient Roman gladiatorial contests... which are the classic examples of depravity. I wonder why not?

  81. I havent posted in a long time. I see this topic has sparked contoversy. some of you sound fake. get a life. Do what i did. Get in the ring with a light heavyweight. Spar for real. Go time. Men hit friggin hard. Especially when there bigger. but they got the nuts and theres me still standing.
    that aint fake.


    watch from 4.58 :)

    1. A quick squeeze and she puts him on his knees.Real.

  83. Woman delivers two knees and three kicks leaving guard with severely swollen and bruised testicles.

  84. I think that when men and women are involved in some sort of altercation - policeman arresting woman, BF and GF having a verbal fight, security guy trying to diffuse a situation - that the man doesn't expect the woman to escalate the situation to the level of attacking his balls.
    But, as I said above, women are becoming so casual about busting balls... for many it seems to have become totally "acceptable" in any circumstance, for any reason.
    At some point guys are going to have to wise up to this. I don't know what that means in practice... perhaps be the first to escalate the confrontation (kick her ass before she kicks yours)? Or go back to wearing cod pieces?

  85. I have to admit that this is true as much as I 'd like to think it's not.I have seen it to many times a male hit in the balls and he is totally incapacitated.We have to wear cups in almost any sport and they often fail not to mention the constant movements your balls go through during any physical exertion.Not to mention the constant attention we must pay to them to keep them safe a major distraction.So I am forced to say our balls are our biggest opponents.

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
